Publications Sebastian van Strien since 1996 (by date)
with Edson de Faria,
Dennis Sullivan's Work on Dynamics to appear in "The Abel Prize Winners 2018--2022" (edited by Helge Holden and Ragni Piene), Springer-Verlag 2024
with Gustavo Rodriues Ferreira, Parameter spaces and distortion sequences of entire functions with wandering domains, Submitted for publication.
with Trevor Clark, Conjugacy classes of real analytic one-dimensional maps are analytic connected manifolds Submitted for publication .
with Tiago Pereira and Edmilson Roque dos Santos, Robust reconstruction of sparse network dynamics, Submitted for publication.
with Trevor Cark and Edson de Faria,
Dynamics of asymptotically holomorphic polynomial-like maps,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 43 (2023), no. 11, 3636–3684.
with Trevor Clark, Kostiantyn Drach, Oleg Kozlovski, The dynamics of complex box mappings, Arnold Mathematical Journal (2022) 8:319–410.
with Deniz Eroglu, Matteo Tanzi and Tiago Pereira, Revealing Dynamics, Communities,
and Criticality from Data, Physical Review X 10, 021047 (2020)
with Tiago Pereira and Matteo Tanzi, Heterogeneously Coupled Maps: hub dynamics and emergence across connectivity layers, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 22, (2020), 2183-2252.
with Oleg Kozlovski, Asymmetric unimodal maps with non-universal period-doubling scaling laws, Comm. Math. Phys. 379 (2020), no. 1, 103–143.
with Genadi Levin, Weixiao Shen, Sebastian van Strien, Positive Transversality via transfer operators and holomorphic motions with applications to monotonicity for interval maps,
Nonlinearity 33 (2020), no. 8, 3970–4012.
with Genadi Levin and Weixiao Shen, Transversality in the setting of hyperbolic and parabolic maps, J. Anal. Math. 141 (2020), no. 1, 247–284.
with Trevor Clark, Quasisymmetric rigidity in one-dimensional dynamics, Submitted for publication. 143 pages.
with Trevor Cark and Edson de Faria,
Dynamics of asymptotically holomorphic polynomial-like maps,, Submitted for publication. 47 pages.
with Viacheslav Grines and Olga Pochinka, A complete topological classification of Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces: a kind of kneading theory in dimension two,
with Trevor Clark and Sofia Trejo, Complex box bounds for real maps,
Commun. Math Phys. 355 (2017), no 3, 1001-1119.
with Genadi Levin and Weixiao Shen,
Transversality for critical relations of families of rational maps: an elementary proof.
In: Pacifico M., Guarino P. (eds) New Trends in One-Dimensional Dynamics. Springer Proceedings in Mathem
atics & Statistics, vol 285. Springer, Cham.
with Genadi Levin and Weixiao Shen,
Monotonicity of entropy and positively oriented transversality for families of interval maps,
with Matteo Tanzi and Tiago Pereira,
Robustness of ergodic properties of nonautonomous piecewise expanding maps. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 39 (2019), no. 4,
with Viacheslav Grines and Olga Pochinka,
On 2-diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional basic sets and a finite number of moduli,
Moscow Mathematical Journal. 2016. Vol. 16. No. 4. 727-749.
with Lasse Rempe,
Density of hyperbolicity for classes of real transcendental entire functions and circle maps,
Duke Math. J. 164 (2015), no. 6, 1079–1137.
with Henk Bruin, Monotonicity of entropy for real multimodal maps, Journal of the AMS. 28 (2015), 1-61.
with Trevor Clark, Quasi-symmetric rigidity of real analytic and C^3 one-dimensional maps. Manuscript.
with Weixiao Shen, Recent developments in interval dynamics. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul 2014, 699-719.
with Georg Ostrovski, Payoff performance of fictitious play, Journal of Dynamics and Games 1 (2014), 621-638.
Milnor's Conjecture on Monotonicity of Topological Entropy:
results and questions. in "Frontiers in Complex Dynamics:In Celebration of John Milnor's 80th Birthday", Editor(s): Bonifant, Lyubich, Sutherland, Princeton University Press, ISBN:9780691159294, (2014), 323-337.
with Henk Bruin,
On the structure of isentropes of polynomial maps,
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal 28 (2013), 381-392
with Weixiao Shen,
On stochastic stability of expanding circle maps with neutral fixed points,
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal 28 (2013), 423-452.
with Colin Sparrow, Fictitious Play in 3x3 Games: chaos and dithering behaviour,
Games and Economic Behavior 73 (2011), 262-286.
Some of the computations were done by Maple, and can be downloaded. Maple worksheet 1 computation for first piece of orbit; Maple worksheet 2 second piece of orbit; Maple worksheet 3 computation of ratios
with Alexandre Eremenko, Rational functions with real multipliers, Trans. AMS 363 (2011), 6453-6463
with Colin Sparrow, Dynamics associated to games (fictitious play) with chaotic behavior, in "Dynamics, Games and Science I", Editors Peixoto, Pinto and Rand. Springer Verlag 2011.
with Georg Ostrovski,
Piecewise Linear Hamiltonian Flows Associated to Zero-Sum Games: Transition Combinatorics and Questions on Ergodicity. Published in
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 16, 1-2, (2011), 129-154.
Hamiltonian flows with random-walk behavior originating from zero-sum games and fictitious play,
Nonlinearity 24 (2011), 1715-1742.
with Lasse Rempe, Absence of line fields and Mañé's theorem for non-recurrent transcendental functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011) 203-228
One-dimensional dynamics in the new millennium, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
27 (2010), 557-588.
One-Parameter Families of Smooth Interval Maps: Density of Hyperbolicity and Robust Chaos, Proc. AMS 138 (2010), 4443-4446.
with Oleg Kozlovski,Stable maps are dense in dimension one
. In: Sidoravicius, Vladas (ed.), New trends in mathematical physics. Selected contributions of the XVth international congress on mathematical physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 5--11, 2006. Dordrecht: Springer. 403-412 (2009). MSC2000:
with Oleg Kozlovski,
Local connectivity and quasi-conformal rigidity of non-renormalizable polynomials, Proceedings of the LMS (2) 99 (2009), 275--296.
with Colin Sparrow and Christopher Harris, Fictitious Play in 3x3 Games: the transition between periodic and chaotic bahavior. Games and Economic Behavior 63, (2008), 259-291. Download maple worksheet clockwise orbit and maple worksheet anticlockwise orbit
Henk Bruin, Juan Rivera-Letelier, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, Large derivatives, backward contraction and invariant densities for interval maps, Inventiones Math. 172, (2008), 509-533.
Oleg Kozlovski, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, Rigidity for real polynomials. Annals of Mathematics 165 (May 2007), 749-841.
Oleg Kozlovski, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, Density of hyperbolicity in dimension one. Annals of Mathematics 166 (July 2007), 145-182.
Henk Bruin, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, Existence of unique SRB-measures is typical for unimodal families, Annales Scientifiques de l'ENS (4) 39 (2006), no 4, 381--414
O. Kozlovski, P. Pintus, S. van Strien and R. de Vilder, Business-cycle models and the dangers of linearizing, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 128 (2006), 333-353.
Sebastian van Strien and Edson Vargas, Real Bounds, ergodicity and negative Schwarzian for multimodal maps J. Amer. Math. Soc. 17 (2004), 749-782.
Henk Bruin, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, Invariant measures exist without a growth condition, Commun. Math. Phys. 241 (2003), 287-306.
Henk Bruin, Stefano Luzzatto and Sebastian van Strien, Decay of correlations in one-dimensional dynamics. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Norm. Sup. (4) 36 (2003), no. 4, 621--646.
Henk Bruin and Sebastian van Strien, Expansion of Derivatives in One-Dimensional Dynamics, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 137 (2003), 223-263.
Henk Bruin and Sebastian van Strien, Existence of acips for multimodal maps
, in `Global analysis of dynamical systems, Festschrift dedicated to Floris Takens for this 60th birthday', Edited by H.W. Broer, B. Krauskopf and G. Vegter, IOP (2001), 433-447.
S. van Strien, Misiurewicz maps unfold generically, Fundamenta Mathematica 163 (2000), 39-54.
G. Levin and S. van Strien,
Bounds for maps of an interval with one critical point of inflection type, Inventiones Mathematicae, 141 (2000), 399--465.
G. Levin and S. van Strien, Total disconnectedness of Julia sets and absense of invariant linefields for real polynomials, Asterisque, 261 (2000), 161-172.
O. Kozlovski, S. van Strien and R. de Vilder, The two-fixed point lemma, Preprint November 1999
G. Levin and S. van Strien, Local connectivity of the Julia set of real polynomials, Annals of Math., 147 (1998), 471-541.
H. Bruin, G. Keller, T. Nowicki and S. van Strien, Wild Cantor attractors exist, Annals of Math., 143 (1996), 97-130
R. Galeeva, S. van Strien, Which families of $l$-modal maps are full? Trans. of the A.M.S., 348 (1996), 3215-3221.
S. van Strien,Transitive Maps which are not Ergodic with respect to Lebesgue Measure. Ergod. Theory and Dynam. Syst., 16 (1996), 833-848
S. van Strien, Real bounds in complex dynamics, Appeared in `Real and complex Dynamical Systems', edited by B. Branner and P. Hjorth, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Series: C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Vol. 464, (1995)