Address: Room 674, Huxley Building, Department of
Mathematics, Imperial College, Queen's Gate, London SW7 2AZ
For a complete list of my publications see MathSciNet.
All my research articles written since 2004 are on the arxiv
For a list of former doctoral students see the mathematics
genealogy project
Photograph from Newton Institute conference,
August 2017, with my doctoral supervisors (Atiyah and Hitchin),
students and grandstudents.
Lie groups and geometry, Autumn 2007 and 2011 notes
Geometric Analysis, Autumn 2008
for whole course, with questions
Geometric Analysis, Spring 2010
of manifolds 2012 Notes and exercises manifoldsproblems
From 2015 my lectures have been given within the London School of
Geometry and Number Theory link
Mathematical aspects of gauge theory
2017 notes
Differential geometry, 2019 notes
Elliptic operators, 2020 notes
Geometric Analysis, 2021
(online course, notes in four parts) notes1
, notes2
, notes3 , notes4
Introduction to Riemannian convergence
theory 2022 (4 hour online course) notes
Complex manifolds and Kahler manifolds
(90 minute lecture, 2022 ) notes
Differential Geometry (Lecture
course beginning 18th January 2024) plan for course
Slides for Part 1
Errata for my book "Riemann surfaces"
(Oxford UP 2011) errata
Expository articles etc.
published in "Nonlinearity" 21 (2008) 157-164 : article
Article written for
King Faisal Prize awards volume, March 2006: article
Unpublished article
"Yang-Mills theory and geometry", written January 2005:
Survey "Mathematical
uses of gauge theory" written approx 2004, published in
the Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Physics, Ed. Francois,
Naber, Tsou article
"Lefschetz pencils and mapping
class groups" In: Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 74 (Ed. Farb)
2004 article
"Conjectures in Kahler
geometry" In: Clay Math. Proceedings Vol 3, AMS 2004 article
"Moment maps in differential
geometry" In: Surveys in differential geometry VIII, AMS
2003: article
Notes for a lecture
series CIMAT, Mexico, July 2004: lecture
Contribution to
European Mathematical Society Newsletter 2019 (knot
surgery on 4-manifolds) article
to London Mathematical Society Newsletter 2022
(extremal metrics on toric manifolds) article