There has been a great deal of interest in understanding which knots are
characterized by which of their Dehn surgeries. We study a 4-dimensional
version of this question: which knots are determined by which of their
traces? We prove several results that are in stark contrast with what is
known about characterizing surgeries, most notably that the 0-trace
detects every L-space knot. Our proof combines tools in Heegaard Floer
homology with results about surface homeomorphisms and their dynamics.
We also consider nonzero traces, proving for instance that each positive
torus knot is determined by its n-trace for any n≤0, whereas no
non-positive integer is known to be a characterizing slope for any
positive torus knot besides the right-handed trefoil.
Torus knots, the A-polynomial, and SL(2,ℂ)
John A. Baldwin
The A-polynomial of a knot is defined in terms of SL(2,ℂ)
representations of the knot group, and encodes information about essential
surfaces in the knot complement. In 2005, Dunfield–Garoufalidis and
Boyer–Zhang proved that it detects the unknot using
Kronheimer–Mrowka's work on the Property P conjecture. Here we use
more recent results from instanton Floer homology to prove that a version
of the A-polynomial distinguishes torus knots from all other knots, and
in particular detects the torus knot Ta,b if and only if one
of |a| or |b| is 2 or both are prime powers. These results enable progress
towards a folklore conjecture about boundary slopes of non-torus knots.
Finally, we use similar ideas to prove that a knot in S3 admits
infinitely many SL(2,ℂ)-abelian Dehn surgeries if and only if it is
a torus knot, affirming a variant of a conjecture due to Sivek–Zentner.
We use instanton gauge theory to prove that if Y is a closed,
orientable 3-manifold such that H1(Y;ℤ) is nontrivial
and either 2-torsion or 3-torsion, and if Y is neither
#r ℝℙ3 for some r≥1 nor
±L(3,1), then there is an irreducible representation
π1(Y) → SL(2,ℂ). We apply this to show that
the Kauffman bracket skein module of a non-prime 3-manifold has
nontrivial torsion whenever two of the prime summands are different from
ℝℙ3, answering a conjecture of Przytycki (Kirby
problem 1.92(F)) unless every summand but one is
ℝℙ3. As part of the proof in the
2-torsion case, we also show that if M is a compact, orientable
3-manifold with torus boundary whose rational longitude has order 2 in
H1(M), then M admits a degree-1 map onto the twisted
I-bundle over the Klein bottle.
Let Y be a closed, orientable 3-manifold with Heegaard genus 2. We
prove that if H1(Y;ℤ) has order 1, 3, or 5, then there
is a representation π1(Y)→SU(2) with non-abelian image.
Similarly, if H1(Y;ℤ) has order 2 then we find a
non-abelian representation π1(Y)→SO(3). We also prove that
a knot K in S3 is a trefoil if and only if there is a unique
conjugacy class of irreducible representations
π1(S3∖K)→SU(2) sending a fixed meridian to
Thurston norm and Euler classes of tight contact structures
Mehdi Yazdi
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 55 (2023), no. 6, 2976–2990.
We prove that 0 is a characterizing slope for infinitely many knots,
namely the genus-1 knots whose knot Floer homology is 2-dimensional in
the top Alexander grading, which we classified in recent work and which
include all (-3,3,2n+1) pretzel knots. This was previously only known
for 52 and its mirror, as a corollary of that classification,
and for the unknot, trefoils, and the figure eight by work of Gabai from
An instanton take on some knot detection results
John A. Baldwin
Frontiers in Geometry and Topology, 99–116, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 109, AMS, Providence, RI, 2024.
We give new proofs that Khovanov homology detects the figure eight knot
and the cinquefoils, and that HOMFLY homology detects 52 and
each of the P(−3,3,2n+1) pretzel knots. For all but the figure eight
these mostly follow the same lines as in previous work. The key
difference is that in honor of Tom Mrowka's 60th birthday, the arguments
here use instanton Floer homology rather than knot Floer homology.
Characterizing slopes for 52
John A. Baldwin
J. Lond. Math. Soc. 109 (2024), no. 6, paper no. e12951, 64 pp.
We prove that all rational slopes are characterizing for the knot
52, except possibly for positive integers. Along the way, we
classify the Dehn surgeries on knots in S3 that produce the
Brieskorn sphere Σ(2,3,11), and we study knots on which large
integral surgeries are almost L-spaces.
Floer homology and non-fibered knot detection
John A. Baldwin
Forum of Math. Pi 13 (2025), paper no. e1, 65 pp.
We prove for the first time that knot Floer homology and Khovanov homology
can detect non-fibered knots, and that HOMFLY homology detects infinitely
many such knots; these theories were previously known to detect a mere six
knots, all fibered. These results rely on our main technical theorem, which
gives a complete classification of genus-1 knots in the 3-sphere whose knot
Floer homology in the top Alexander grading is 2-dimensional. We discuss
applications of this classification to problems in Dehn surgery which are
carried out in two sequels. These include a proof that 0-surgery
characterizes infinitely many knots, generalizing results of Gabai from his
1987 resolution of the Property R conjecture.
Framed instanton homology and concordance, II
John A. Baldwin
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear; arXiv:2206.11531
We continue our study of the integer-valued knot invariants
ν#(K) and r0(K), which together determine the
dimensions of the framed instanton homologies of all nonzero Dehn
surgeries on K. We first establish a "conjugation" symmetry
for the decomposition of cobordism maps constructed in our earlier work,
and use this to prove, among many other things, that ν#(K)
is always either zero or odd. We then apply these technical results to
study linear independence in the homology cobordism group, to define an
instanton Floer analogue ε#(K) of Hom's
ε-invariant in Heegaard Floer homology, and to the problem of
characterizing a given 3-manifold as Dehn surgery on a knot in
Floer homology and right-veering monodromy
John A. Baldwin
Yi Ni
J. Reine Angew. Math. 818 (2025), 263–290.
We prove that the knot Floer complex of a fibered knot detects whether the monodromy of its fibration is
right-veering. In particular, this leads to a purely knot Floer-theoretic characterization of tight contact
structures, by the work of Honda, Kazez, and Matić. Our proof makes use of the relationship between the
Heegaard Floer homology of mapping tori and the symplectic Floer homology of area-preserving surface
diffeomorphisms. We describe applications of this work to Dehn surgeries and taut foliations.
We prove that the fundamental group of 3-surgery on a nontrivial knot
in S3 always admits an irreducible SU(2)-representation. This
answers a question of Kronheimer and Mrowka dating from their work on the
Property P conjecture. An important ingredient in our proof is a
relationship between instanton Floer homology and the symplectic Floer
homology of genus-2 surface diffeomorphisms, due to Ivan Smith. We use
similar arguments at the end to extend our main result to infinitely many
surgery slopes in the interval [3,5).
Khovanov homology and the cinquefoil
John A. Baldwin
Ying Hu
J. Eur. Math. Soc., to appear; arXiv:2105.12102
We prove that Khovanov homology with coefficients in ℤ/2ℤ
detects the (2,5) torus knot. Our proof makes use of a wide range of deep
tools in Floer homology, Khovanov homology, and Khovanov homotopy. We combine
these tools with classical results on the dynamics of surface homeomorphisms
to reduce the detection question to a problem about mutually braided unknots,
which we then solve with computer assistance.
Instanton L-spaces and splicing
John A. Baldwin
Ann. Henri Lebesgue 5 (2022), 1213–1233.
We prove that the 3-manifold obtained by gluing the complements of two
nontrivial knots in homology 3-sphere instanton L-spaces, by a map which
identifies meridians with Seifert longitudes, cannot be an instanton
L-space. This recovers the recent theorem of Lidman, Pinzón-Caicedo,
and Zentner that the fundamental group of every closed, oriented, toroidal
3-manifold admits a nontrivial SU(2)-representation, and consequently
Zentner's earlier result that the fundamental group of every closed,
oriented 3-manifold besides the 3-sphere admits a nontrivial
We show that if Y is the boundary of an almost-rational plumbing, then the
framed instanton Floer homology I#(Y) is isomorphic to the Heegaard
Floer homology HF^(Y;ℂ). This class of 3-manifolds includes
all Seifert fibered rational homology spheres with base orbifold S2
(we establish the isomorphism for the remaining Seifert fibered rational
homology spheres—with base ℝℙ2—directly).
Our proof utilizes lattice homology, and relies on a decomposition theorem for
instanton Floer cobordism maps recently established by Baldwin and Sivek.
Framed instanton homology and concordance
John A. Baldwin
J. Topology 14 (2021), no. 4, 1113–1175.
We define two concordance invariants of knots using framed instanton
homology. These invariants ν# and τ#
provide bounds on slice genus and maximum self-linking number, and the
latter is a concordance homomorphism which agrees in all known cases
with the τ invariant in Heegaard Floer homology. We use
ν# and τ# to compute the framed instanton
homology of all nonzero rational Dehn surgeries on: 20 of the 35
nontrivial prime knots through 8 crossings, infinite families of twist
and pretzel knots, and instanton L-space knots; and of 19 of the first
20 closed hyperbolic manifolds in the Hodgson–Weeks census. In
another application, we determine when the cable of a knot is an
instanton L-space knot. Finally, we discuss applications to the spectral
sequence from odd Khovanov homology to the framed instanton homology of
branched double covers, and to the behaviors of τ# and
τ under genus-2 mutation.
Surgery obstructions and character varieties
Raphael Zentner
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 375 (2022), no. 5, 3351–3380.
We provide infinitely many rational homology 3-spheres with weight-one
fundamental groups which do not arise from Dehn surgery on knots in
S3. In contrast with previously known examples, our proofs do
not require any gauge theory or Floer homology. Instead, we make use of
the SU(2) character variety of the fundamental group, which for these
manifolds is particularly simple: they are all SU(2)-cyclic, meaning that
every SU(2) representation has cyclic image.
L-space knots are fibered and strongly quasipositive
John A. Baldwin
Gauge theory and low-dimensional topology: progress and interaction,
Open Book Series 5, Math. Sci. Publ., Berkeley, CA, 2022.
We give a new, conceptually simpler proof of the fact that knots in
S3 with positive L-space surgeries are fibered and strongly
quasipositive. Our motivation for doing so is that this new proof uses
comparatively little Heegaard Floer-specific machinery and can thus be
translated to other forms of Floer homology. We carried this out for
instanton Floer homology in our recent article "Instantons and L-space
surgeries", and used it to generalize Kronheimer and Mrowka's results on
SU(2) representations of fundamental groups of Dehn surgeries.
Instantons and L-space surgeries
John A. Baldwin
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 10, 4033–4122.
We prove that instanton L-space knots are fibered and strongly quasipositive. Our proof differs conceptually from proofs of the analogous result in Heegaard
Floer homology, and includes a new decomposition theorem for cobordism maps in framed instanton Floer homology akin to the Spinc decompositions of
cobordism maps in other Floer homology theories. As our main application, we prove (modulo a mild nondegeneracy condition) that for r a positive rational
number and K a nontrivial knot in the 3-sphere, there exists an irreducible homomorphism π1(S3r(K)) → SU(2) unless
r ≥ 2g(K)-1 and K is both fibered and strongly quasipositive, broadly generalizing results of Kronheimer and Mrowka. We also answer a question of theirs
from 2004, proving that there is always an irreducible homomorphism from the fundamental group of 4-surgery on a nontrivial knot to SU(2). In another
application, we show that a slight enhancement of the A-polynomial detects infinitely many torus knots, including the trefoil.
A menagerie of SU(2)-cyclic 3-manifolds
Raphael Zentner
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2022, no. 11, 8038–8085.
We classify SU(2)-cyclic and SU(2)-abelian 3-manifolds, for which every representation of the fundamental group into SU(2) has cyclic or abelian
image respectively, among geometric 3-manifolds which are not hyperbolic. As an application, we give examples of hyperbolic 3-manifolds which do not admit
degree-1 maps to any Seifert fibered manifold other than S3 or a lens space. We also produce infinitely many one-cusped hyperbolic manifolds
with at least four SU(2)-cyclic Dehn fillings, one more than the number of cyclic fillings allowed by the cyclic surgery theorem.
Khovanov homology detects the Hopf links
John A. Baldwin
and Yi Xie
Math. Res. Lett. 26 (2019), no. 5, 1281–1290.
We prove that any link in S3 whose Khovanov homology is the
same as that of a Hopf link must be isotopic to that Hopf link. This
holds for both reduced and unreduced Khovanov homology, and with coefficients
in either ℤ or ℤ/2ℤ.
We study an A∞ category associated to Legendrian links in
ℝ3 whose objects are n-dimensional representations of the
Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra of the link. This
representation category generalizes the positive augmentation category and we
conjecture that it is equivalent to a category of sheaves of microlocal rank
n constructed by Shende, Treumann, and Zaslow. We establish the cohomological
version of this conjecture for a family of Legendrian (2,m) torus links.
Khovanov homology detects the trefoils
John A. Baldwin
Duke Math. J. 171 (2022), no. 4, 885–956.
We prove that Khovanov homology detects the trefoils. Our proof incorporates
an array of ideas in Floer homology and contact geometry. It uses open books;
the contact invariants we defined in the instanton Floer setting; a bypass
exact triangle in sutured instanton homology, proven here; and Kronheimer and
Mrowka's spectral sequence relating Khovanov homology with singular instanton
knot homology. As a byproduct, we also strengthen a result of Kronheimer and
Mrowka on SU(2) representations of the knot group.
SU(2)-cyclic surgeries and the pillowcase
Raphael Zentner
J. Differential Geom. 121 (2022), no. 1, 101–185.
We study knots in S3 with infinitely many SU(2)-cyclic
surgeries, which are Dehn surgeries such that every representation of
the resulting fundamental group into SU(2) has cyclic image. We show
that for every such nontrivial knot K, its set of SU(2)-cyclic slopes is
bounded and has a unique limit point, which is both a rational number
and a boundary slope for K. We also show that such knots are prime and
have infinitely many instanton L-space surgeries. Our methods include
the application of holonomy perturbation techniques to instanton knot
homology, using a strengthening of recent work by the second author.
On the complexity of torus knot recognition
John A.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), no. 6, 3831–3855.
We show that the problem of recognizing that a knot diagram represents a
specific torus knot, or any torus knot at all, is in the complexity class
NP ∩ co-NP, assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis. We also show
that satellite knot detection is in NP under the same assumption, and
that cabled knot detection and composite knot detection are unconditionally
in NP. Our algorithms are based on recent work of Kuperberg and of
Lackenby on detecting knottedness.
Stein fillings and SU(2) representations
John A.
Geom. Topol. 22 (2018), no. 7, 4307–4380.
We recently defined invariants of contact 3-manifolds using a version of
instanton Floer homology for sutured manifolds. In this paper, we prove that
if several contact structures on a 3-manifold are induced by Stein structures
on a single 4-manifold with distinct Chern classes modulo torsion then their
contact invariants in sutured instanton homology are linearly independent. As
a corollary, we show that if a 3-manifold bounds a Stein domain that is not
an integer homology ball then its fundamental group admits a nontrivial
homomorphism to SU(2). We give several new applications of these results,
proving the existence of nontrivial and irreducible SU(2) representations for
a variety of 3-manifold groups.
On the equivalence of contact invariants in sutured Floer homology theories
John A.
Geom. Topol. 25 (2021), no. 3, 1087–1164.
We recently defined an invariant of contact manifolds with convex boundary
in Kronheimer and Mrowka’s sutured monopole Floer homology theory. Here, we
prove that there is an isomorphism between sutured monopole Floer homology
and sutured Heegaard Floer homology which identifies our invariant with the
contact class defined by Honda, Kazez and Matić in the latter theory.
One consequence is that the Legendrian invariants in knot Floer homology
behave functorially with respect to Lagrangian concordance. In particular,
these invariants provide computable and effective obstructions to the
existence of such concordances. Our work also provides the first proof
which does not rely on the relative Giroux correspondence that the
vanishing or non-vanishing of Honda, Kazez and Matić’s contact class
is a well-defined invariant of contact manifolds.
We introduce a notion of cardinality for the augmentation category
associated to a Legendrian knot or link in standard contact
ℝ3. This "homotopy cardinality" is an invariant
of the category and allows for a weighted count of augmentations, which we
prove to be determined by the ruling polynomial of the link. We present an
application to the augmentation category of doubly Lagrangian slice knots.
We study the topology of exact and Stein fillings of the canonical
contact structure on the unit cotangent bundle of a closed surface
Σg, where g is at least 2. In particular, we prove a
uniqueness theorem asserting that any Stein filling must be s-cobordant
rel boundary to the disk cotangent bundle of Σg. For
exact fillings, we show that the rational homology agrees with that of the
disk cotangent bundle, and that the integral homology takes on finitely
many possible values: for example, if g−1 is square-free, then any exact
filling has the same integral homology and intersection form as
Quasi-alternating links with small determinant
Tye Lidman
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 162 (2017), no. 2,
Quasi-alternating links of determinant 1, 2, 3, and 5 were previously
classified by Greene and Teragaito, who showed that the only such links
are two-bridge. In this paper, we extend this result by showing that all
quasi-alternating links of determinant at most 7 are connected sums of
two-bridge links, which is optimal since there are quasi-alternating links
not of this form for all larger determinants. We achieve this by studying
their branched double covers and characterizing distance-one surgeries
between lens spaces of small order, leading to a classification of formal
L-spaces with order at most 7.
We show that the set of augmentations of the Chekanov–Eliashberg algebra
of a Legendrian link underlies the structure of a unital A-infinity
category. This differs from the non-unital category constructed in [BC14],
but is related to it in the same way that cohomology is related to
compactly supported cohomology. The existence of such a category was
predicted by [STZ14], who moreover conjectured its equivalence to a
category of sheaves on the front plane with singular support meeting
infinity in the knot. After showing that the augmentation category forms a
sheaf over the x-line, we are able to prove this conjecture by calculating
both categories on sufficiently thin slices of the front plane. In
particular, we conclude that every augmentation comes from geometry.
We investigate the question of the existence of a Lagrangian concordance
between two Legendrian knots in ℝ3. In particular, we
give obstructions to a concordance from an arbitrary knot to the standard
Legendrian unknot, in terms of normal rulings. We also place strong
restrictions on knots that have concordances both to and from the unknot
and construct an infinite family of knots with non-reversible concordances
from the unknot. Finally, we use our obstructions to present a complete
list of knots with up to 14 crossings that have Legendrian representatives
that are Lagrangian slice.
Contact structures and reducible surgeries
Tye Lidman
Compositio Math. 152 (2016), no. 1, 152–186.
We apply results from both contact topology and exceptional surgery
theory to study when Legendrian surgery on a knot yields a reducible
manifold. As an application, we show that a reducible surgery on a
non-cabled positive knot of genus g must have slope 2g-1, leading to a
proof of the cabling conjecture for positive knots of genus 2. Our
techniques also produce bounds on the maximum Thurston-Bennequin numbers
of cables.
Instanton Floer homology and contact structures
John A.
Selecta Math. 22 (2016), no. 2, 939–978.
Invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots in monopole knot homology
John A.
J. Symplectic Geom. 16 (2018), no. 4, 959–1000.
A contact invariant in sutured monopole homology
John A.
Forum Math. Sigma 4 (2016), e12, 82 pp.
Sutured ECH is a natural invariant
appendix by C. H. Taubes
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 275 (2022), no. 1350, iii+136pp.
We show that sutured embedded contact homology is a natural invariant of
sutured contact 3-manifolds which can potentially detect some of the
topology of the space of contact structures on a 3-manifold with boundary.
The appendix, by C. H. Taubes, proves a compactness result for
the completion of a sutured contact 3-manifold in the context of
Seiberg–Witten Floer homology, which enables us to complete the
proof of naturality.
Naturality in sutured monopole and instanton homology
John A. Baldwin
J. Differential Geom. 100 (2015), no. 3,
Kronheimer and Mrowka defined invariants of balanced sutured manifolds
using monopole and instanton Floer homology. Their invariants assign
isomorphism classes of modules to balanced sutured manifolds. In this
paper, we introduce refinements of these invariants which assign much
richer algebraic objects called projectively transitive systems of modules
to balanced sutured manifolds and isomorphisms of such systems to
diffeomorphisms of balanced sutured manifolds. Our work provides the
foundation for extending these sutured Floer theories to other interesting
functorial frameworks as well, and can be used to construct new invariants
of contact structures and (perhaps) of knots and bordered 3-manifolds.
Donaldson invariants of symplectic manifolds
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2015, no. 6, 1688–1716.
We prove that symplectic 4-manifolds with b+>1 have
nonvanishing Donaldson invariants, and that the canonical class is always
a basic class when b1=0. We also characterize in many
situations the basic classes of a Lefschetz fibration over the sphere
which evaluate maximally on a generic fiber.
Monopole Floer homology and Legendrian knots
Geom. Topol. 16 (2012), no. 2, 751–779.
Erratum |
We use monopole Floer homology for sutured manifolds to construct
invariants of unoriented Legendrian knots in a contact 3–manifold. These
invariants assign to a knot K ⊂ Y elements of the monopole knot
homology KHM(-Y,K), and they strongly resemble the knot Floer homology
invariants of Lisca, Ozsváth, Stipsicz, and Szabó. We prove
several vanishing results, investigate their behavior under contact surgeries,
and use this to construct many examples of nonloose knots in overtwisted
3–manifolds. We also show that these invariants are functorial with
respect to Lagrangian concordance.
The contact homology of Legendrian knots with maximal Thurston-Bennequin invariant
J. Symplectic Geom. 11 (2013), no. 2, 167–178.
Examples of representations)
We show that there exists a Legendrian knot with maximal
Thurston-Bennequin invariant whose contact homology is trivial. We also
provide another Legendrian knot which has the same knot type and classical
invariants but nonvanishing contact homology.
A bordered Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra
J. Topology 4 (2011), no. 1, 73–104.
Given a front projection of a Legendrian knot K in ℝ3,
which has been cut into several pieces along vertical lines, we assign a
differential graded algebra to each piece and prove a van Kampen theorem
describing the Chekanov-Eliashberg invariant of K as a pushout of these
algebras. We then use this theorem to construct maps between the
invariants of Legendrian knots related by certain tangle replacements, and
to describe the linearized contact homology of Legendrian Whitehead
doubles. Other consequences include a Mayer-Vietoris sequence for
linearized contact homology and a van Kampen theorem for the
characteristic algebra of a Legendrian knot.
On the Sn-modules generated by partitions of a given shape
Electron. J. Combin. 15 (2008), #R111.
Given a Young diagram λ and the set Hλ of
partitions of {1,2,...,|λ|} of shape λ, we analyze a
particular S|λ|-module homomorphism
ℚHλ→ℚHλ' to show
that ℚHλ is a submodule of
ℚHλ' whenever λ is a hook (n,1,1,...,1)
with m rows, n ≥ m, or any diagram with two rows.
Some plethysm results related to Foulkes' conjecture
Electron. J. Combin. 13 (2006), #R24.
We provide several classes of examples to show that Stanley's plethysm
conjecture and a reformulation by Pylyavskyy, both concerning the ranks of
certain matrices Kλ associated with Young diagrams
λ, are in general false. We also provide bounds on the rank of
Kλ by which it may be possible to show that the approach
of Black and List to Foulkes' conjecture does not work in general.
Finally, since Black and List's work concerns Kλ for
rectangular shapes λ, we suggest a constructive way to prove that
Kλ does not have full rank when λ is a large
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