George Boxer
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Department of Mathematics
Imperial College London
Office 681
180 Queen's Gate
Email: g(dot)boxer(at)
Cuspidal cohomology classes for GL_n(Z)
(with F. Calegari and T. Gee) J. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear)
The Ramanujan and Sato-Tate conjectures for Bianchi modular forms
(with F. Calegari, T. Gee, J. Newton, and J. Thorne)
Higher Hida theory for Siegel modular forms
(with V. Pilloni)
Higher Coleman theory
(with V. Pilloni)
Notes on Higher Coleman theory
(with V. Pilloni)
Higher Hida and Coleman theories for the modular curve
(with V. Pilloni) EPIGA. 6 (2022) 33p.
Abelian surfaces over totally real fields are potentially modular
(with F. Calegari, T. Gee, and V. Pilloni) Publ. Math. IHES. 134 (2021) 153-501
Compatible systems of Galois representations associated to the exceptional group E6
(with F. Calegari, M. Emerton, B. Levin, K. Madapusi Pera, and S. Patrikis) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 7 (2019), e4, 29p.
Torsion in the coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties and Galois representations