Ryan Barnett
Reader in Condensed Matter Theory
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
Imperial College London
My professional web page
Research Interests
Systems of many particles evolving through the well-established theories of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics often collectively organise themselves in elegant ways. As a condensed matter theorist, my research aims to predict and understand such behaviour from a microscopic basis. I am particularly interested in systems where quantum mechanics and interactions play a crucial role. My group's research has a particular focus on collective effects in ultracold atomic gases. It is often straightforward to write down a simple and intuitive effective Hamiltonian which captures the relevant physics of these systems, but these Hamiltonians can be difficult to solve and can exhibit rich behaviour. Topics ('keywords') of current research include: interacting topological band models, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, spinor condensates, Majorana fermions, and quantum vortices.
I am currently teaching
Quantum Mechanics II which is offered in Spring term. More information on current and past teaching
is given
Research Group
Information for prospective students
Academic Bio
Since 2012 I have been at Imperial College London in the
Department of Mathematics. More
details are in my
(updated intermittently).
Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Imperial QuEST
Previous Affiliations
Joint Quantum Institute
UMD Condensed Matter Theory Center
Caltech CMT
Harvard CMT