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  Jeroen Lamb  
  Martin Rasmussen  
  Dmitry Turaev  
  Sebastian van Strien  
Boumediene Hamzi
Tiago Pereira
Konstantinos Kourliouros
Dongchen Li
Iacopo Longo
Eeltje Nijholt
Doan Thai Son
Wei Hao Tey
Bernat Bassols-Cornudella
Chris Chalhoub
Hugo Chu
Matheus de Castro
Akshunna Dogra
Michal Fedorowicz
David Fox
Emilia Gibson
Vincent Goverse
Amir Khodaeian Karim
Victoria Klein
Chek Lau
Ziyu Li
Tianyi Liu
Dmitrii Mints
Leon Staresinic
Giuseppe Tenaglia
Ole Peters
Cristina Sargent
Bill Speares
Mauricio Barahona
Davoud Cheraghi
Martin Hairer
Darryl Holm
Xue-Mei Li
Greg Pavliotis
Kevin Webster


Complete List

Bifurcation Theory
Computational dynamics
Ergodic theory
Game theory
Hamiltonian systems
Holomorphic dynamics
Homoclinic tangencies
Infinite-dimensional systems
Low-dimensional dynamical systems
Nonautonomous dynamical systems
Pattern formation
Random dynamical systems
Slow-fast systems

Ergodic theory

  • Matheus M. Castro, Vincent P. H. Goverse, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, and Martin Rasmussen, On the quasi-ergodicity of absorbing Markov chains with unbounded transition densities, including random logistic maps with escape. DynamIC Preprint 2022-2
  • Matheus M. Castro, Dennis Chemnitz, Hugo Chu, Maximilian Engel, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, and Martin Rasmussen, The Lyapunov spectrum for conditioned random dynamical systems. DynamIC Preprint 2022-1
  • Matheus M. Castro, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, Guillermo Olicón Méndez, and Martin Rasmussen, Existence and uniqueness of quasi-stationary and quasi-ergodic measures for absorbing Markov chains: a Banach lattice approach . DynamIC Preprint 2021-3
  • Mickael D. Chekroun, Jeroen S.W. Lamb, Christian J. Pangerl, and Martin Rasmussen, A Girsanov approach to slow parameterizing manifolds in the presence of noise. DynamIC Preprint 2019-7
  • Gabriel Fuhrmann, Eli Glasner, Tobias Jäger, and Christian Oertel, Irregular model sets and tame dynamics. DynamIC Preprint 2019-5
  • Gabriel Fuhrmann, Maik Gröger, and Daniel Lenz, The structure of mean equicontinuous group actions. DynamIC Preprint 2019-4
  • Gabriel Fuhrmann and Maik Gröger, Constant length substitutions, iterated function systems and amorphic complexity. DynamIC Preprint 2019-3
  • Gabriel Fuhrmann and Dominik Kwietniak, On tameness of almost automorphic dynamical systems for general groups. DynamIC Preprint 2019-1
  • Thai Son Doan, Jeroen S.W. Lamb, Julian Newman, and Martin Rasmussen, Classification of random circle homeomorphisms up to topological conjugacy. DynamIC Preprint 2018-3
  • Nikolaos Karaliolios, Cohomological rigidity and the Anosov-Katok construction. DynamIC Preprint 2017-3
  • Nikolaos Karaliolios, Invariant Distributions and local theory of quasiperiodic cocycles in T^d x SU(2). DynamIC Preprint 2016-10
  • Nikolaos Karaliolios, Continuous spectrum or measurable reducibility for quasiperiodic cocycles in T^d x SU(2). DynamIC Preprint 2016-8
  • Fritz Colonius and Martin Rasmussen, Quasi-ergodic limits for finite absorbing Markov chains, Linear Algebra and its Applications 609(2021), 253−288. Article MathSciNet Preprint
  • Matteo Tanzi, Tiago Pereira, and Sebastian van Strien, Robustness of ergodic properties of non-autonomous piecewise expanding maps, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 39, 4 (2019), 1121−1152. Article MathSciNet
  • Kushal Shah, Dmitry Turaev, Vassili Gelfreich, and Vered Rom-Kedar, Equilibration of energy in slow-fast systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, 49 (2017), E10514−E10523. Article MathSciNet
  • Lasse Rempe-Gillen and Sebastian van Strien, Density of hyperbolicity for classes of real transcendental entire functions and circle maps, Duke Mathematical Journal 164, 6 (2015), 1079−1137. Article MathSciNet
  • Vassili Gelfreich, Vered Rom-Kedar, and Dmitry Turaev, Oscillating mushrooms: adiabatic theory for a non-ergodic system, Journal of Physics A 47, 39 (2014), 395101, 21. MathSciNet
  • Davoud Cheraghi, Typical orbits of quadratic polynomials with a neutral fixed point: Brjuno type, Communications in Mathematical Physics 322, 3 (2013), 999−1035. Article MathSciNet
  • Kamaludin Dingle, Jeroen S. W. Lamb, and Joan-Andreu Lázaro-Camí, Knudsen's law and random billiards in irrational triangles, Nonlinearity 26, 2 (2013), 369−388. Article MathSciNet
  • Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien, On stochastic stability of expanding circle maps with neutral fixed points, Dynamical Systems 28, 3 (2013), 423−452. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien, One-parameter families of smooth interval maps: density of hyperbolicity and robust chaos, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138, 12 (2010), 4443−4446. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien, One-dimensional dynamics in the new millennium, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 27, 2 (2010), 557−588. Article MathSciNet
  • Vítor Araújo, Stefano Luzzatto, and Marcelo Viana, Invariant measures for interval maps with critical points and singularities, Advances in Mathematics 221, 5 (2009), 1428−1444. Article MathSciNet
  • Oleg Kozlovski and Sebastian van Strien, Local connectivity and quasi-conformal rigidity of non-renormalizable polynomials, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 99, 2 (2009), 275−296. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin, Juan Rivera-Letelier, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien, Large derivatives, backward contraction and invariant densities for interval maps, Inventiones Mathematicae 172, 3 (2008), 509−533. Article MathSciNet
  • Oliver Butterley and Carlangelo Liverani, Smooth Anosov flows: correlation spectra and stability, Journal of Modern Dynamics 1, 2 (2007), 301−322. Article MathSciNet
  • Oleg Kozlovski, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien, Density of hyperbolicity in dimension one, Annals of Mathematics 166, 1 (2007), 145−182. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien and Edson Vargas, Erratum to: Real bounds, ergodicity and negative Schwarzian for multimodal maps, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 20, 1 (2007), 267−268. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin and Stefano Luzzatto, Topological invariance of the sign of the Lyapunov exponents in one-dimensional maps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 134, 1 (2006), 265−272. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien, Existence of unique SRB-measures is typical for real unicritical polynomial families, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 39, 3 (2006), 381−414. Article MathSciNet
  • Yongluo Cao, Stefano Luzzatto, and Isabel Rios, Some non-hyperbolic systems with strictly non-zero Lyapunov exponents for all invariant measures: horseshoes with internal tangencies, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 15, 1 (2006), 61−71. Article MathSciNet
  • Karla Díaz-Ordaz, Decay of correlations for non-Hölder observables for one-dimensional expanding Lorenz-like maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 15, 1 (2006), 159−176. Article MathSciNet
  • Karla Díaz-Ordaz, Mark P. Holland, and Stefano Luzzatto, Statistical properties of one-dimensional maps with critical points and singularities, Stochastics and Dynamics 6, 4 (2006), 423−458. Article MathSciNet
  • Stefano Luzzatto, Stochastic-like behaviour in nonuniformly expanding maps, in: Handbook of Dynamical Systems. Vol. 1B, 265−326, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006. Article MathSciNet
  • José F. Alves, Stefano Luzzatto, and Vilton Pinheiro, Markov structures and decay of correlations for non-uniformly expanding dynamical systems, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 22, 6 (2005), 817−839. Article MathSciNet
  • Stefano Luzzatto, Ian Melbourne, and Frederic Paccaut, The Lorenz attractor is mixing, Communications in Mathematical Physics 260, 2 (2005), 393−401. Article MathSciNet
  • José F. Alves, Stefano Luzzatto, and Vilton Pinheiro, Lyapunov exponents and rates of mixing for one-dimensional maps, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 24, 3 (2004), 637−657. Article MathSciNet
  • Yongluo Cao, Stefano Luzzatto, and Isabel Rios, A minimum principle for Lyapunov exponents and a higher-dimensional version of a theorem of Ma\~né, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 5, 2 (2004), 261−273. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien and Edson Vargas, Real bounds, ergodicity and negative Schwarzian for multimodal maps, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 17, 4 (2004), 749−782 (electronic). Article MathSciNet
  • José F. Alves, Stefano Luzzatto, and Vilton Pinheiro, Markov structures for non-uniformly expanding maps on compact manifolds in arbitrary dimension, Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 9(2003), 26−31. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin, Stefano Luzzatto, and Sebastian van Strien, Decay of correlations in one-dimensional dynamics, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 36, 4 (2003), 621−646. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien, Invariant measures exist without a growth condition, Communications in Mathematical Physics 241, 2−3 (2003), 287−306. MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin and Sebastian van Strien, Existence of absolutely continuous invariant probability measures for multimodal maps, in: Global analysis of dynamical systems, 433−447, Inst. Phys., Bristol, 2001. MathSciNet
  • Genadi Levin and Sebastian van Strien, Bounds for maps of an interval with one critical point of inflection type. II, Inventiones Mathematicae 141, 2 (2000), 399−465. Article MathSciNet
  • Genadi Levin and Sebastian van Strien, Total disconnectedness of Julia sets and absence of invariant linefields for real polynomials, Astérisque , 261 (2000), xii, 161−172. MathSciNet
  • Stefano Luzzatto, Bounded recurrence of critical points and Jakobson's theorem, in: The Mandelbrot set, theme and variations, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 173−210, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. MathSciNet
  • Stefano Luzzatto and Marcelo Viana, Positive Lyapunov exponents for Lorenz-like families with criticalities, Astérisque , 261 (2000), 201−237. MathSciNet
  • Henk Bruin, Gerhard Keller, Tomasz Nowicki, and Sebastian van Strien, Wild Cantor attractors exist, Annals of Mathematics 143, 1 (1996), 97−130. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien, Transitive maps which are not ergodic with respect to Lebesgue measure, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 16, 4 (1996), 833−848. Article MathSciNet
  • Welington de Melo and Sebastian van Strien, One-dimensional dynamics, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 25, Springer, Berlin, 1993. MathSciNet
  • Marco Martens, Welington de Melo, and Sebastian van Strien, Julia-Fatou-Sullivan theory for real one-dimensional dynamics, Acta Mathematica 168, 3−4 (1992), 273−318. Article MathSciNet
  • Henk Broer, Freddy Dumortier, Sebastian van Strien, and Floris Takens, Structures in dynamics, Studies in Mathematical Physics 2, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1991. MathSciNet
  • Tomasz Nowicki and Sebastian van Strien, Invariant measures exist under a summability condition for unimodal maps, Inventiones Mathematicae 105, 1 (1991), 123−136. Article MathSciNet
  • Tomasz Nowicki and Sebastian van Strien, Nonhyperbolicity and invariant measures for unimodal maps, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 53, 4 (1990), 427−429. Article MathSciNet
  • Tomasz Nowicki and Sebastian van Strien, Hyperbolicity properties of C^2 multi-modal Collet-Eckmann maps without Schwarzian derivative assumptions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 321, 2 (1990), 793−810. Article MathSciNet
  • Sebastian van Strien, Hyperbolicity and invariant measures for general C^2 interval maps satisfying the Misiurewicz condition, Communications in Mathematical Physics 128, 3 (1990), 437−495. Article MathSciNet
  • Tomasz Nowicki and Sebastian van Strien, Absolutely continuous invariant measures for C^2 unimodal maps satisfying the Collet-Eckmann conditions, Inventiones Mathematicae 93, 3 (1988), 619−635. Article MathSciNet