Michele Coti Zelati
Professor, Imperial College London

My research interests are focused on partial differential equations, with emphasis on infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, fluid dynamics and nonlocal equations. Here are my MathSciNet and Google Scholar footprints. Most of my papers are also available on the arXiv preprint server (these though may not be the latest versions of the papers). A few of them are also on ResearchGate.

  1. M. Coti Zelati & V. Navarro-Fernández, Three-dimensional exponential mixing and ideal kinematic dynamo with randomized ABC flows, submitted. arXiv:2407.18028

  2. M. Coti Zelati & M.G. Delgadino, Entropy maximization in the two-dimensional Euler equations, submitted. arXiv:2405.14738

  3. M. Coti Zelati, H. Dietert & D. Gérard-Varet, Nonlinear stability for active suspensions, submitted. arXiv:2404.01906

  4. R. Bianchini, M. Coti Zelati & L. Ertzbischoff, Ill-posedness of the hydrostatic Euler-Boussinesq equations and failure of hydrostatic limit, submitted. arXiv:2403.17857

  5. M. Coti Zelati, A. Del Zotto & K. Widmayer, Stability of viscous three-dimensional stratified Couette flow via dispersion and mixing, submitted. arXiv:2402.15312

  6. G.-Q. Chen, M. Coti Zelati & C.C.Yeung, Vanishing Mach number limit of stochastic compressible flows, submitted. arXiv:2311.14660

  7. M. Coti Zelati, T.D. Drivas & R.S. Gvalani, Statistically self-similar mixing by Gaussian random fields, Journal of Statistical Physics 191 (2024), Paper No. 61, 11 pp. arXiv:2309.15744

  8. R. Bianchini, M. Coti Zelati & M. Dolce, Symmetrization and asymptotic stability in non-homogeneous fluids around stratified shear flows, Séminaire Laurent Schwartz - EDP et applications 5 (2022-2023), 17 pp. arXiv:2309.12738

  9. M. Coti Zelati & M. Nualart, Limiting absorption principles and linear inviscid damping in the Euler-Boussinesq system in the periodic channel, submitted. arXiv:2309.08445

  10. M. Coti Zelati & M. Nualart, Explicit solutions and linear inviscid damping in the Euler-Boussinesq equation near a stratified Couette flow in the periodic strip, submitted. arXiv:2309.08419

  11. M. Coti Zelati & A. Del Zotto, Suppression of lift-up effect in the 3D Boussinesq equations around a stably stratified Couette flow, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics XXX (2024), XXX. arXiv:2309.06426

  12. M. Coti Zelati, G. Crippa, G. Iyer & A.L. Mazzucato, Mixing in incompressible flows: transport, dissipation, and their interplay, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 71 (2024), 593-604. arXiv:2308.00358

  13. M. Coti Zelati, M. Dolce & C. Lo Diffusion enhancement and Taylor dispersion for rotationally symmetric flows in discs and pipes, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 26 (2024), Art. 12. arXiv:2305.18162

  14. E. Bruè, M. Coti Zelati & E. Marconi, Enhanced dissipation for two-dimensional Hamiltonian flows, submitted. arXiv:2211.14057

  15. J. Bedrossian, M. Coti Zelati & M. Dolce, Taylor dispersion and phase mixing in the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation on the whole space, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 129 (2024), Paper No. e12616, 70pp. arXiv:2211.05079

  16. M. Coti Zelati, H. Dietert & D. Gérard-Varet, Orientation mixing in active suspensions, Annals of PDE 9 (2023), Art. 20, 53pp. arXiv:2207.08431

  17. A. Blumenthal, M. Coti Zelati & R.S. Gvalani, Exponential mixing for random dynamical systems and an example of Pierrehumbert, Annals of Probability 51 (2023), 1559-1601. arXiv:2204.13651

  18. M. Coti Zelati & T. Gallay, Enhanced dissipation and Taylor dispersion in higher-dimensional parallel shear flows, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 108 (2023), 1358-1392. arXiv:2108.11192

  19. J. Bedrossian, R. Bianchini, M. Coti Zelati & M. Dolce, Nonlinear inviscid damping and shear-buoyancy instability in the two-dimensional Boussinesq equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 76 (2023), 3685-3768. arXiv:2103.13713

  20. M. Coti Zelati, M. Dolce, Y. Feng & A.L. Mazzucato, Global existence for the two-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with a shear flow, Journal of Evolution Equations 21 (2021), 5079–5099. arXiv:2103.02971

  21. M. Colombo, M. Coti Zelati & K. Widmayer, Mixing and diffusion for rough shear flows, Ars Inveniendi Analytica (2021), Paper No. 2, 21pp. arXiv:2009.12268

  22. M. Coti Zelati & G.A. Pavliotis, Homogenization and hypocoercivity for Fokker-Planck equations driven by weakly compressible shear flows, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 85 (2020), 951–979. arXiv:2008.11710

  23. M. Coti Zelati, T.M. Elgindi & K. Widmayer, Stationary Structures near the Kolmogorov and Poiseuille Flows in the 2d Euler Equations, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 247 (2023), Paper No. 12. arXiv:2007.11547

  24. R. Bianchini, M. Coti Zelati & M. Dolce, Linear inviscid damping for shear flows near Couette in the 2D stably stratified regime, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 71 (2022), 1467-1504. arXiv:2005.09058

  25. M. Coti Zelati & M. Hairer, A noise-induced transition in the Lorenz system, Communications in Mathematical Physics 383 (2021), 2243-2274. arXiv:2004.12815

  26. M. Coti Zelati & T.D. Drivas, A stochastic approach to enhanced diffusion, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze 22 (2021), 811-834. arXiv:1911.09995

  27. M. Coti Zelati, Stable mixing estimates in the infinite Péclet number limit, Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (2020), 108562. arXiv:1909.01310

  28. M. Coti Zelati & M. Dolce, Separation of time-scales in drift-diffusion equations on R2, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 142 (2020), 58-75. arXiv:1907.04012

  29. J. Bedrossian, M. Coti Zelati, S. Punshon-Smith & F. Weber, Sufficient conditions for dual cascade flux laws in the stochastic 2d Navier-Stokes equations, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 237 (2020), 103–145. arXiv:1905.03299

  30. M. Coti Zelati, T.M. Elgindi & K. Widmayer, Enhanced dissipation in the Navier-Stokes equations near the Poiseuille flow, Communications in Mathematical Physics 378 (2020), 987-1010. arXiv:1901.01571

  31. M. Coti Zelati, M.G. Delgadino & T.M. Elgindi, On the relation between enhanced dissipation time-scales and mixing rates, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 73 (2020), 1205-1244. arXiv:1806.03258

  32. J. Bedrossian, M. Coti Zelati, S. Punshon-Smith & F. Weber, A sufficient condition for the Kolmogorov 4/5 law for stationary martingale solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics 367 (2019), 1045-1075. arXiv:1803.09695

  33. M. Coti Zelati, N. Glatt-Holtz & K. Trivisa, Invariant measures for the stochastic one-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 83 (2021), 1487-1522. arXiv:1802.04000

  34. M. Coti Zelati & C. Zillinger, On degenerate circular and shear flows: the point vortex and power law circular flows, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 44 (2019), 110-155. arXiv:1801.07371

  35. J.Bedrossian, M. Coti Zelati & V. Vicol, Vortex axisymmetrization, inviscid damping, and vorticity depletion in the linearized 2D Euler equations, Annals of PDE 5 (2019), Art. 4, 192pp. arXiv:1711.03668

  36. M. Coti Zelati, Long time behavior and critical limit of subcritical SQG equations in scale-invariant Sobolev spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (2018), 305-335. arXiv:1512.00497

  37. M. Coti Zelati & P. Kalita, Smooth attractors for weak solutions of the SQG equation with critical dissipation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 22 (2017), 1857-1873. arXiv:1512.08418

  38. J. Bedrossian & M. Coti Zelati, Enhanced dissipation, hypoellipticity, and anomalous small noise inviscid limits in shear flows, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 224 (2017), 1161–1204. arXiv:1510.08098

  39. P. Constantin, M. Coti Zelati & V. Vicol, Uniformly attracting limit sets for the critically dissipative SQG equation, Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 298–318. arXiv:1506.06375

  40. J. Bedrossian, M. Coti Zelati & N. Glatt-Holtz, Invariant measures for passive scalars in the small noise inviscid limit, Communications in Mathematical Physics 348 (2016), 101–127. arXiv:1505.07356

  41. M. Coti Zelati & V. Vicol, On the global regularity for the supercritical SQG equation, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 65 (2016), 535-552. arXiv:1410.3186

  42. M. Coti Zelati & C.G. Gal, Singular limits of Voigt models in fluid dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 17 (2015), 233-259. arXiv:1408.3497

  43. M. Coti Zelati & P. Kalita, Minimality properties of set-valued processes and their pullback attractors, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 47 (2015), 1530-1561. arXiv:1407.6135

  44. M. Coti Zelati, A. Huang, I. Kukavica, R. Temam & M. Ziane, The primitive equations of the atmosphere in presence of vapor saturation, Nonlinearity 28 (2015), 625-668. arXiv:1406.3165

  45. A. Bousquet, M. Coti Zelati & R. Temam, Phase transition models in atmospheric dynamics, Milan Journal of Mathematics 82 (2014), 99-128.

  46. M. Coti Zelati, M. Frémond, R. Temam & J. Tribbia, The equations of the atmosphere with humidity and saturation: uniqueness and physical bounds, Physica D 264 (2013), 49-65.

  47. M. Coti Zelati, Remarks on the approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations via the implicit Euler scheme, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 12 (2013), 2829-2838.

  48. M. Coti Zelati, On the theory of global attractors and Lyapunov functionals, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 21 (2013), 127-149.

  49. M. Coti Zelati, F. Dell'Oro & V. Pata, Energy decay of type III linear thermoelastic plates with memory, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 401 (2013), 357-366.

  50. M. Coti Zelati & F. Tone, Multivalued attractors and their approximation: applications to the Navier-Stokes equations, Numerische Mathematik 122 (2012), 421-441. arXiv:1111.4368

  51. M. Coti Zelati & R. Temam, The atmospheric equation of water vapor with saturation, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 5 (2012), 309-336.

  52. M. Coti Zelati, R. Quintanilla & V. Pata, Regular global attractors of type III thermoelastic extensible beams, Chinese Annals of Mathematics 31 (2010), 619-630.

  53. M. Conti & M. Coti Zelati, Attractors for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with memory in 2D, Nonlinear Analysis 72 (2010), 1668-1682.

  54. M. Coti Zelati, C. Giorgi & V. Pata, Steady states of the hinged extensible beam with external load, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (2010), 43-58.

  55. M. Coti Zelati, Global and exponential attractors for the singularly perturbed extensible beam, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 25 (2009), 1041-1060.