Chair in Dynamical Systems
Phone: +44(207)59-42844
Room: 6M36 Huxley Building
Short Curriculum Vitae Sebastian van Strien
Academic History and Recent Employments
- PhD Mathematics Utrecht (1982, supervisor F. Takens), Warwick (1984, supervisor D. Rand)
- 82-92 Technical University Delft, Universitair Docent, Universitair Hoofddocent
- 92-97 Professorship at Mathematics Department at the University of Amsterdam
- 97-12 Professorship at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick
- 12- Professorship at the Mathematics Department at Imperial College London
- Managing editor of Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (1996-2013)
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
- Indigationes Mathematicae
Prizes and distinctions
- Prize from the Polish Ministry of Education 1997 for publication in Annals
of Math.
- Corresponding member of the Dutch Royal Academy of Science (KNAW) (from 1999).
- Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship (2007-2008)
- ICM invited speaker, dynamical systems section (Seoul, August 2014)
Main Grants since 2000
- (2000-2003) A Marie-Curie PhD RTN training network. Value £ 163k
- (2002-2005) EPSRC research assistant (Weixiao Shen). Value £ 140k
- (2002-2005) EPSRC grant for running a symposium year. Value £ 108k
- (2007-2010) Coordinator of CODY Framework VI Mobility Network. Value £ 2.7M
- (2009-2012) Euro-Brazil exchange grant. Value £ 34k
- (2009-2012) EPSRC grant for running a symposium year. Value £193k
- (2011-2016) EPSRC Platform grant (WAMP) (co-PI) for strategic research activities at Warwick, £ 518K.
- (2014-2018) ERC Advanced Advanced Grant 2013, Rigidity and Global Deformations in Dynamics, 2,228,829 Euros.
Selected Key Publications since 1996
(35.) with H. Bruin, G. Keller, T. Nowicki, Wild Cantor attractors exist, Annals of Math., 143 (1996), 97-130
- (38.) with G. Levin, Locally connected Julia sets of real polynomials. Annals of Math., 147 (1998), 471-541.
- (40.) with G. Levin, Bounds for interval maps with one inflection point II, Inventiones Mathematicae 141 (2000), 399-465.
- (47.) with Henk Bruin and Weixiao Shen, Invariant measures exist without a growth condition, Commun. Math. Phys. 241 (2003), 287-306.
- (48.) with Oleg Kozlovski and Weixiao Shen, Rigidity for real polynomials, Annals of Math., 165 (2007), 749-841.
- (49.) with Henk Bruin and Weixiao Shen, Existence of unique SRB-measures is typical for unimodal families, Annales Scientifiques de l'ENS. 39 (2006), 381-534
- (50.) with Oleg Kozlovski and Weixiao Shen, Density of hyperbolicity in dimension one, Annals of Math., 166 (2007), 145-182.
- (51.) with Colin Sparrow and Christopher Harris, Fictitious Play in 3x3 Games: the transition between periodic and chaotic bahavior. Games and Economic Behavior, 63 (2008), 259-291.
- (52.) with Oleg Kozlovski, Local connectivity and quasi-conformal rigidity of non-renormalizable polynomials, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 99 (2009), 275-296.
- (53.) with Henk Bruin, Juan Rivera-Letelier and Weixiao Shen, Large derivatives, backward con- traction and invariant densities for interval maps, Inventiones Mathematicae, 172 (2008), 509-533.
- (59.) with Henk Bruin, Monotonicity of entropy for real multimodal maps, Journal of the AMS. 28 (2015), 1-61.
- (61.) Quasi-symmetric rigidity of real analytic interval and circle maps, In preparation.
- (61.) Complex bounds real analytic interval and circle maps, Submitted for publication.
- (63.) with L. Rempe, Density of hyperbolicity for real entire functions, To appear in Duke Mathematical Journal.