Preprints (not yet published) Sebastian van Strien
with Trevor Clark and Sofia Trejo, Complex box bounds for real maps, Preprint arXiv:1310.8338. Submitted for publication. Oct 2013.
with Georg Ostrovski, Payoff performance of fictitious play, arXiv:1308.4049. Submitted for publication. August 2013.
with Tiago Pereira and Jeroen Lamb, Dynamics of expanding maps in heterogeneous networks, Preprint arXiv:1308.5526. Submitted for publication. August 2013.
with Henk Bruin, Monotonicity of entropy for real multimodal maps, Revised version Sept 2012. To appear in Journal A.M.S.
with Lasse Rempe,
Density of hyperbolicity for classes of real transcendental entire functions and circle maps
Preprint arXiv:1005.4627. May 2010. To appear in Duke Math. Journal.
with Henk Bruin, Monotonicity of entropy for real multimodal maps, Preprint May 2009.
O. Kozlovski, S. van Strien and R. de Vilder,
The two-fixed point lemma, November 1999