- Sebastian van Strien - Imperial College London
- Math. Dept, Imperial College SW7 2AZ
- tel. +44 207 5942844, fax +44 20 7594 8517
- s.van-strien@imperial.ac.uk
- http://www2.imperial.ac.uk/~svanstri/
Current PhD students:
- Matteo Tabaro (2019 -current, joint with Trevor Clark)
- Leon Staresinic (2021 - current, joint with Kostya Drach)
Former PhD students:
- Marco Martens (1987-1990) Professor Stony Brook
- Henk Bruin (1991-1994) Professor Vienna
- Duncan Sands (co-supervised with Colin Sparrow, 1991-1994) Charge de recherche, CNRS, Orsay Univ
- Robin de Vilder (1993-1995) UHD Univ of Amsterdam
- Oleg Kozlovski (1994- 1998) Reader Univ of Warwick
- Robert Reid (1997-2001) Quantitative Finance
- Martin McVay (1997-2001) Welsh Government
- Felipe Gonzales (1998-2002)
- Stefano Eusepi (1999-2003) Federal Reserve Bank New York
- Simon Lloyd (2002-2006) Lecturer, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, P.R. China
- Kuoray Whu (2004-2007) Strategic Trading, Hong Kong
- Mirela Domijan (2005- 2008) Research fellow Warwick Systems Biology Centre
- Ferry Kwakkel (2006-2009) Postdoc Instituto de Matemática e Estatística. Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
- Sofia Trejo (2009-2014) Postdoc Unversity of Sao Paolo
- Georg Ostrovski (2009-2013) Research Engineer at Deep Mind (Google)
- Matteo Tanzii (2013-2017, joint with Tiago Pereira. Lecturer at Kings College London
- Cezary Olszowiec (2014-2017, joint with Dmitry Turaev)
- Leon Starenisic.
Current postdocs :
- Trevor Clark (2014-current)
Former Postdocs (with current position):