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  Jeroen Lamb  
  Martin Rasmussen  
  Dmitry Turaev  
  Sebastian van Strien  
Boumediene Hamzi
Tiago Pereira
Konstantinos Kourliouros
Dongchen Li
Iacopo Longo
Eeltje Nijholt
Doan Thai Son
Wei Hao Tey
Bernat Bassols-Cornudella
Chris Chalhoub
Hugo Chu
Matheus de Castro
Akshunna Dogra
Michal Fedorowicz
David Fox
Emilia Gibson
Vincent Goverse
Amir Khodaeian Karim
Victoria Klein
Chek Lau
Ziyu Li
Tianyi Liu
Dmitrii Mints
Leon Staresinic
Giuseppe Tenaglia
Ole Peters
Cristina Sargent
Bill Speares
Mauricio Barahona
Davoud Cheraghi
Martin Hairer
Darryl Holm
Xue-Mei Li
Greg Pavliotis
Kevin Webster

DynamIC Seminars (Complete List)

Name Title Date Time Room
Radhakrishnan Nair (University of Liverpool)On the Riemann Hypothesis and Ergodic AveragesAbstract: We will discuss how to use Ergodic Averages to analyse the Riemann and Lindelof Hypotheses.  Specifically, to the extent that time allows, we discuss how to use subsequence ergodic theorems applied to Boole’s transformation and its variants and their invariant measures on the real line to give new characterisations of the Lindelof Hypothesis and the Riemann hypothesis. This builds on earlier work of R. L. Adler and B. Weiss, M. Lifshits and M. Weber, J. Steuding, J. Lee and A. I. Surijaya using Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem and probability theory.  The talk is on work with Jean-Louis Verger-Gaugry and Michel Weber.  Tuesday, 5 November 2024 14:00 Huxley 410
Mats Bylund (Université Paris–Saclay)TBAAbstract: TBA Tuesday, 19 November 2024 14:00 Huxley 410
Chris Bishop (Stony Brook University)TBAAbstract: TBA Wednesday, 20 November 2024 15:30 Huxley 144

DynamIC Workshops and Mini-Courses (Complete List)

Title Date Venue
CHAOS (Homoclinic Bifurcations, Strange Attractors, Arnold Diffusion, Fermi Acceleration, Solitons)Sunday, 24 September 2023 – Friday, 29 September 2023Nesin Math Village, Izmir, Turkey
Mini-Workshop on Heterodimensional DynamicsWednesday, 2 November 2022Imperial College London

Short-term DynamIC Visitors (Complete List)

No visitors scheduled currently
