BREUDS: rules

BREUDS rules

  1. Affiliation: Seconded researchers must be officially liased to BREUDS partners. This normally means that they have a job contract or are officially enrolled as PhD students.
  2. Transatlantic: All secondments must be from European BREUDS partners to Brazilian BREUDS partners, or vice-versa. Secondments between European partners or between Brazilian partners are not eligible for BREUDS support.
  3. Financial support: BREUDS support is calculated on a per diem basis, relative to the proportion of the month, based on a flat rate support of 1900euro (or equivalent amount in gbp, as determined by the relevant UK BREUDS partner). Example: a secondment from 15/02/2013 until 06/04/2013 receives support to the extent of (14/28+1+6/30)*1900euro=3230euro. The payment of financial support is administered and realized by the European BREUDS partners involved in secondments, either as Host or Home institution.
  4. Minimal stay: The total accumulated duration of secondments of any given researcher between fixed BREUDS partners X and Y should be no less than one full month (with partial calendar months weighing proportionally to the month concerned, as in the calculation for "Financial Support", above), accumulated over the entire duration of the BREUDS project. Researchers that propose secondments that do not (yet) satisfy this rule, should present realistic plans concerning additional secondments that will add up to the required minimum. Such plans have to be underwritten by the relevant local SCs. (A bit of history: this seemingly odd rule has arisen from the fact that in earlier IRSES projects, every single secondment should last an integer number of months. The current overall minimal duration of secondment is a much weaker, but still essential, condition.)
    An exemption to this rule has been granted when secondments concern the attendance of official BREUDS events. The implementation of BREUDS support in these cases will be guided by the BREUDS OM.
  5. Maximum support: No individual researcher can receive BREUDS support for secondments adding up to a total of more than twelve months.
  6. Schedule: Initial budgets for BREUDS activity are based on the original Description of Work (cf Documentation). The BREUDS OM can authorize minor changes (such as date changes) to the agreed schedule with BREUDS partners. More substantial changes may need approval from the BREUDS leadership and possibly the EU Project Officer, following procedures as set out in the Description of Work. The amount of realized versus scheduled secondments will be regularly reviewed and the schedule amended where necessary.
  7. Two-year target: The EU requires BREUDS to spend at least 50% of it scheduled secondments for the first two years (Jan 2013- Dec 2015), under threat of sactions to the overall budget if we do not reach this level of activity. BREUDS partners are reminded of this as an incencentive to use the funding according to schedule.