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Welcome to David van Dyk's web site photo: dvd


David A van Dyk
Statistics Section
Dept of Mathematics
Imperial College London
London, UK SW7 2AZ

Office: 539 Huxley Building

e-mail: d v a n d y k [at] imperial [dot] ac [dot] uk


David van Dyk is a Professor within the in the Statistics Section of the Department of Mathematicsi at Imperial College London. After obtaining his PhD from the University of Chicago, he held academic positions at Harvard University and the University of California, Irvine before relocating to London in 2011. Professor van Dyk is an elected Fellow in the American Statistical Association (2006), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2010), and the International Astrostatistics Association (2016). He is a recipient of the Wolfson Merit Award (2011) and the ASA Founders Award (2019) and was elected to the Board of Directors of the ASA (2015-17). His scholarly work focuses on methodological and computational issues involved with Bayesian analysis of highly structured statistical models and emphasizes serious interdisciplinary research, especially in astrophysics, solar physics, and high-energy physics. He helped found and coordinates the CHASC International Astrostatistics Center and is particularly interested in improving the efficiency of computationally intensive methods involving data augmentation, such as EM-type algorithms and various Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.