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  Jeroen Lamb  
  Martin Rasmussen  
  Dmitry Turaev  
  Sebastian van Strien  
Boumediene Hamzi
Tiago Pereira
Konstantinos Kourliouros
Dongchen Li
Iacopo Longo
Eeltje Nijholt
Doan Thai Son
Wei Hao Tey
Bernat Bassols-Cornudella
Chris Chalhoub
Hugo Chu
Matheus de Castro
Akshunna Dogra
Michal Fedorowicz
David Fox
Emilia Gibson
Vincent Goverse
Amir Khodaeian Karim
Victoria Klein
Chek Lau
Ziyu Li
Tianyi Liu
Dmitrii Mints
Leon Staresinic
Giuseppe Tenaglia
Ole Peters
Cristina Sargent
Bill Speares
Mauricio Barahona
Davoud Cheraghi
Martin Hairer
Darryl Holm
Xue-Mei Li
Greg Pavliotis
Kevin Webster


Dmitry Turaev

Professor in Dynamical Systems


Phone: +44(207)59-48566
Room: 634 Huxley Building

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Dynamical Systems
Bifurcation Theory

Full list
Hamiltonian Dynamics
Homoclinic Tangencies

D.Turaev, Maps close to identity and universal maps in the Newhouse domain , Comm. Math. Phys. 335, 1235-1277 (2015)

             Preprint: On dynamics of maps close to identity, preprint MPIM, 2006-161 (2006)

D.Turaev, Richness of chaos in the absolute Newhouse domain, in Proc. ICM 2010, vol.3 (Hindustan Book Agency, 2010) 1804-1815

D.Turaev, On dimension of non-local bifurcational problems, Bifurcation and Chaos 6, 919-948 (1996)

             Short announcement: On dimension reduction near homoclinic and heteroclinic cycles, J. Techn. Phys. 37, 374-377 (1996)

S.V.Gonchenko, D.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, On the existence of Newhouse domains in a neighborhood of systems with a structurally unstable Poincare homoclinic curve (the higher-dimensional case), Russian Acad. Sci., Dokl., Math. 47, 268-273 (1993)

S.V.Gonchenko, D.Turaev, L.Shilnikov, Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in conservative and dissipative two-dimensional maps, Nonlinearity 20, 241-275 (2007)

                                      Short version: Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in conservative two-dimensional maps, Doclady Math. 73, 210-213 (2006)
             D.Turaev, Diffeomorphisms which cannot be topologically conjugate to diffeomorphisms of a higher smoothness, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 31, 563-569 (2011)
             D.Turaev, Polynomial approximations of symplectic dynamics and richness of chaos in nonhyperbolic area-preserving maps, Nonlinearity 16, 1-13 (2003)
             V.Gelfreich, D.Turaev, Universal dynamics in a neighbourhood of a generic elliptic periodic point, Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 15,159-164 (2010)
             P.Berger, D.Turaev, On Herman's positive entropy conjecture, Advances in Mathematics 349, 1234-1288 (2019)

S.V.Gonchenko, L.P.Shilnikov, D.Turaev, On models with non-rough Poincare homoclinic curves, Physica D 62, 1-14 (1993)

                          Russian version: On models with non-rough Poincare homoclinic curves, Methods of qualitative theory and theory of bifurcations, 36-61 (1991)
Short version: On models with a structurally unstable Poincare homoclinic curve, Sov. Math., Dokl. 44, 422-426 (1992)
Detailed proofs: Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in the Newhouse regions, J. Math. Sci 105, 1738-1778 (2001)
                          Russian version: Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in the Newhouse regions, in Contemporary Mathematics and its Applications 67 (VINITI, Moscow, 1999)
           S.V.Gonchenko, O.Sten'kin, D.Turaev, Complexity of homoclinic bifurcations and Ω-moduli , Bifurcation and Chaos 6, 969-989 (1996)
           P.Gaspard, S.Gonchenko, G.Nicolis, D.Turaev, Complexity in the bifurcation structure of homoclinic loops to a saddle-focus, Nonlinearity 10, 409-423 (1997)
           Conference proceedings: S.V.Gonchenko, L.P.Shilnikov, O.Sten'kin, D.Turaev, Dynamical systems with structurally unstable homoclinic orbits and moduli of Ω-equivalence, Comput. Math. Appl. 34 (1997)

S.V.Gonchenko, D.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, Dynamical phenomena in multi-dimensional systems with a structurally unstable Poincare homoclinic curve, Russian Acad. Sci., Dokl., Math. 47, 410-415 (1993)

S.V.Gonchenko, L.Shilnikov, D.Turaev, On dynamical properties of multidimensional diffeomorphisms from Newhouse regions: I, Nonlinearity 21 (2008)

          Basic (partial) cases: On dynamical properties of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies, J. Math. Sci. 126, 1317-1343 (2005)
                     Russian version: On dynamical properties of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies, Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh. 7, 91-117 (2003)
                Conference proceedings: On dynamical properties of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies, in Proc. Symposium Henrie Poincare, 41-72 (Solvay Inst., 2005)
          S.V.Gonchenko, L.P.Shilnikov, D.Turaev, Dynamical phenomena in systems with structurally unstable Poincare homoclinic orbits, Chaos 6, 15-31 (1996)
                Conference proceedings: Quasiattractors and homoclinic tangencies, Comput. Math. Appl. 34, 195-227 (1997)
          S.V.Gonchenko, I.I.Ovsyannikov, D.Turaev, On the effect of invisibility of stable periodic orbits at homoclinic bifurcations, Physica D 241, 1115-1122 (2012)

S.V.Gonchenko, D.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, On Newhouse domains of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a structurally unstable heteroclinic cycle, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 216, 76-125 (1997)

                  Short announcement: Bifurcations of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with non-rough homoclinic contours, J. Techn. Phys. 37, 349-352 (1996)
         S.V.Gonchenko, J.S.W.Lamb, I.Rios, D.Turaev, Attractors and repellers near generic elliptic points of reversible maps, Doklady Math. 89, 65-67 (2014)
         S.Gonchenko, D.Turaev, On three types of dynamics, and the notion of attractor, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 297, 116-137 (2017)

S.V.Gonchenko, L.P.Shilnikov, D.Turaev, Elliptic periodic orbits near a homoclinic tangency in four-dimensional symplectic maps and Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom, Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 3, 3-26 (1998)
S.V.Gonchenko, D.V.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, Infinitely many elliptic periodic orbits in four-dimensional symplectic diffeomorphisms with a homoclinic tangency, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 244, 106-131 (2004)

      Wild attractors

S.V.Gonchenko, L.Shilnikov, D.Turaev, On global bifurcations in three-dimensional diffeomorphisms leading to wild Lorenz-like attractors, Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 14, 137-147 (2009)

D.Turaev, L.Shilnikov, Pseudohyperbolicity and the problem of periodic perturbation of Lorenz-like attractors, Doklady Math. 77 (2008)

S.V.Gonchenko, I.I.Ovsyannikov, C.Simo, D.Turaev, Three-dimensional Henon-like map and wild Lorenz-like attractors, Bifurcation and Chaos 15, 3493-3508 (2005)

D.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, An example of a wild strange attractor, Sb. Math. 189, 137-160 (1998)


D.Turaev, V.Rom-Kedar, Elliptic islands appearing in near-ergodic flows, Nonlinearity 11, 575-599 (1998)

A.Dmitriev, Yu.Komlev, D.Turaev, Bifurcation phenomena in the 1:1 resonant horn for the forced van der Pol - Duffing equation, Bifurcation and Chaos 2, 93-100 (1992)

V.Biragov, I.M.Ovsyannikov, D.Turaev, A study of one endomorphism of a plane, Methods of qualitative theory and theory of bifurcations, 72-86 (1988)

D.Turaev, L.P.Shilnikov, Bifurcations of quasiattractors torus-chaos, in "Mathematical mechanisms of turbulence," 113-121 (Kiev, 1986)