############################################################# #Don't forget to use the "help" command, #for example, at the command line, type # #>help(rexp) # #to find out what the "rexp" function does # ############################################################# n <- 500 lambda <- 3 nits <- 5000 xmin <- rep(0,nits) xmax <- rep(0,nits) for(i in 1:nits){ x <- rexp(n,lambda) xmin[i] <- min(x) xmax[i] <- max(x) } hist(xmin) hist(xmax) length(xmin[xmin < 0.0001])/nits 1-exp(-n*lambda*0.0001) length(xmin[xmin > 0.0005])/nits exp(-n*lambda*0.0005) length(xmax[xmax <= 2])/nits (1-exp(-lambda*2))^n length(xmax[xmax > 3])/nits 1-(1-exp(-lambda*3))^n ############################################################### x <- c(0:5000)/500 cdf.x <- function(x,lambda){1-exp(-lambda*x)} cdf.xmin <- function(x,lambda,n){1-(1-cdf.x(x,lambda))^n} cdf.xmax <- function(x,lambda,n){(cdf.x(x,lambda))^n} ############################################################### n <- 500 theta <- 0.25 nits <- 5000 xmin <- rep(0,nits) xmax <- rep(0,nits) for(i in 1:nits){ x <- rgeom(n,theta) xmin[i] <- min(x) xmax[i] <- max(x) } hist(xmin) hist(xmax) ############################################################### n <- 500 nits <- 5000 umin <- rep(0,nits) umax <- rep(0,nits) for(i in 1:nits){ u <- runif(n) y <- c(0,sort(u),1) udiff <- diff(y) umin[i] <- min(udiff) umax[i] <- max(udiff) } hist(umin) hist(umax) ############################################################### #Read - or scan - in the data into a matrix (160 rows, 4 columns) TMP.data<-matrix(scan("c:\\TEMP\\TMP_proteinlengthdata.txt"),ncol=4,byrow=T) #Remove column 3 as it is redundant TMP.data<-TMP.data[,c(1,2,4)] #Count the number of proteins #Should be 160 TMP.nproteins<-nrow(TMP.data) TMP.nproteins #Column 1 contains the protein name or ID #Column 2 contains the protein amino acid sequences #Column 3 contains the secondary structure information #For each protein, compute the sequence length and store the lengths in #the vector TMP.proteinlengths. TMP.proteinlengths<-numeric(length=TMP.nproteins) for(i in 1:TMP.nproteins){ s1<-TMP.data[i,2] TMP.proteinlengths[i]<-nchar(s1) } print(TMP.proteinlengths) #Draw a histogram hist(TMP.proteinlengths) ############################################################################ #Now repeat for the randomly selected proteins #The format of this file is a little stranger ... it needs some more pre-processing #before the analysis can be performed #Here are some string manipulation functions #Highlight them all, the RUN. strsplit <- function(x, split){ if (length(x) > 1) { return(lapply(x, strsplit, split)) } result <- character(0) if (nchar(x) == 0) return(result) posn <- regexpr(split, x) if (posn <= 0) return(x) c(result, substring(x, 1, posn - 1), Recall(substring(x, posn+1, nchar(x)), split)) } strsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x){ np <- nchar(pattern) nx <- nchar(x) posn <- regexpr(pattern, x) if (posn <= 0) return(x) result <- if (posn == 1) paste(replacement, substring(x, np + 1, nx), sep="") else paste(substring(x, 1, posn - 1), replacement, substring(x, posn + np, nx), sep="") result } gsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x){ if (regexpr(pattern, x) <= 0) return(x) x <- strsub(pattern, replacement, x) Recall(pattern, replacement, x) } #Now start reading in the data protein.data<-scan("c:\\TEMP\\proteinlengthdata.txt") n<-length(protein.data) index<-c(1:n) start.lines<-index[substring(protein.data,1,1) == ">"] end.lines<-c(start.lines,n+1) end.lines<-end.lines[-1]-1 proteins.data<-matrix(" ",ncol=2,nrow=length(start.lines)) for(i in 1:length(start.lines)){ v<-character() for(j in (start.lines[i]+1):end.lines[i]){ tmp.v<-protein.data[j] v<-paste(v,tmp.v) } v<-gsub(" ","",v) proteins.data[i,1]<-gsub(">","",protein.data[start.lines[i]]) proteins.data[i,2]<-v } #Now, for the proteins.data matrix #Column 1 contains the protein name or ID #Column 2 contains the protein amino acid sequences protein.nproteins<-nrow(proteins.data) print(protein.nproteins) #For each protein, compute the sequence length and store the lengths in #the vector TMP.proteinlengths. protein.proteinlengths<-numeric(length=protein.nproteins) for(i in 1:protein.nproteins){ s1<-proteins.data[i,2] protein.proteinlengths[i]<-nchar(s1) } print(protein.proteinlengths) #Draw a histogram hist(protein.proteinlengths)