Part A: the mathematics ======================= The material in Part A of this course is divided into some number of sections, each of which corresponds to a mathematical topic. The total number of sections will only become apparent when the course is over. For each section there is also some associated Lean code in the github repository corresponding to the course. I would recommend that readers work through the first few parts in order to learn about the basics; after a while it's possible to start picking and choosing. Note that the material in parts B and C can be read in any order. Note: currently only sections 1 and 2 has been uploaded to the course website, and the order of the sections after that is going to be changed. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: section01logic/logic section02reals/reals section03groups/groups section04functions/functions section05sets/sets section06quotients/quotients