.. _tac_cheatsheet: Tactic cheatsheet ================= If you think you know which part of the tactic state your "next move" should be (i.e. you know whether you should be manipulating the goal or using a hypothesis) then the below table might give you a hint as to which tactic to use. .. list-table:: Cheat sheet :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Form of proposition - In the goal? - Hypothesis named ``h``? * - ``P → Q`` - ``intro hP`` - ``apply h`` * - ``true`` - ``trivial`` - (can't be used) * - ``false`` - (can't be used) - ``exfalso, exact h`` or ``cases h`` * - ``¬P`` - ``intro hP`` - ``apply h`` (if goal is ``false``) * - ``P ∧ Q`` - ``split`` - ``cases h with hP hQ`` * - ``P ↔ Q`` - ``split`` - ``cases h`` or ``rw h`` * - ``P ∨ Q`` - ``left`` or ``right`` - ``cases h with hP hQ`` * - ``∀ (a : X), ...`` - ``intro x`` - ``specialize h x`` * - ``∃ (a : X), ...`` - ``use x`` - ``cases h with x hx``